Overview: BandNorm is a simple yet powerful R package designed for normalizing single-cell Hi-C data. It effectively addresses the challenges of genomic distance bias and sequencing depth variations in single-cell chromatin conformation data through an innovative band normalization approach.
Key Features:
Fast Band Normalization:
- Removes genomic distance bias within cells
- Normalizes sequencing depth between cells
- Maintains common band-dependent contact decay profiles
- Efficient processing of sparse matrices
Comprehensive Data Processing:
- Supports multiple input formats (.hic compatible)
- Handles batch effect correction
- Processes sparse matrix representations
- Integrates with existing Hi-C analysis pipelines
Visualization and Analysis Tools:
- PCA-based dimension reduction
- UMAP and t-SNE visualizations
- Cell clustering analysis
- Quality control metrics
User-Friendly Interface:
- Simple function calls for complex operations
- Extensive documentation and tutorials
- Example datasets
- Integration with other R packages
Applications: BandNorm has been successfully applied to various single-cell Hi-C datasets, enabling researchers to:
- Normalize chromatin interaction frequencies
- Remove technical biases in scHi-C data
- Compare cells across different experimental conditions
- Integrate with other single-cell analysis tools
The package is implemented in R with comprehensive documentation and tutorials to support researchers in the fields of genomics and single-cell biology.